When you sign up for an account with Painting By Number, you are automatically also signed up for our Most Valued Painter (MVP) Club. By doing so, members will get the chance to earn MVP Points that translate into actual dollars that can be spent on Painting By Number. Every 500 MVP Points gets you a $5 discount off of your next order with our store. You can get more information or login to your existing account by clicking on the Purple “Rewards” Button on the bottom left part of the page. Here are all the ways you can earn points:
Action | MVP Points Earned |
Sign up for an account on https://paintingbynumber.store | 200 MVP Points |
Refer someone who makes a purchase using your referral link | 500 MVP Points (Person you referred will receive a $10 discount code) |
Place an order | 5 MVP Points per dollar spent |
Celebrate your birthday | 200 MVP Points |
Follow us on Instagram | 50 MVP Points |
Like us on Facebook | 50 MVP Points |
Share us on Facebook | 100 MVP Points |
Follow us on Twitter | 50 MVP Points |
Share us on Twitter | 100 MVP Points |